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Linda Thaler

Episode 2: You Can Turn Any Weakness Into A Strength, with Linda Kaplan Thaler

Linda Kaplan Thaler is the President of Kaplan Thaler Productions. She’s the author of four bestselling books, most recently “Grit to Great” and has also worked on well known campaigns like the “I Don’t Wanna Grow Up I’m a Toys ‘r Us Kid” jingle, Kodak Moments, and AFLAC Duck.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • What Linda’s life was like growing up and how to led into her career
  • The Grit Factor: what is it and how do you get it?
  • Turning any weakness into a strength
  • Linda’s book “Grit to Great”
  • Why she started her agency in her 40s, right after having her children
  • Some of the lessons Linda learned after starting her agency
  • Why it’s so important to create deadlines for yourself and rewarding yourself for hitting those deadlines
  • How Linda created the AFLAC Duck and the financial risk that campaign had
  • Intuition and gut: how Linda’s has helped her achieve success
  • What Linda learned from her mother when diagnosed with breast cancer
  • What Linda would tell her 30-year-old self
  • Why we need to retire the word retirement

Ways to contact Linda:


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