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Episode 86 Mary Crafts

Episode 86: A Badass Woman with A Purpose

Mary Crafts chats with us about making decisions out of love rather than fear. Mary Crafts built what would become the most renowned catering company in Utah. That multi-million dollar empire became the launching pad for so much more. Mary reminds us that it doesn’t matter how many people believe in us; we need to believe in ourselves. On Mary’s journey to Mount Kilimanjaro, she finally discovered what she was made of and that she was enough. The most significant lesson that Mary learned on her adventure up the mountain was that it does not matter what you’ve done in the past; what you do today is going to make a difference.

Plus, Mary speaks about how she overcame challenges in catering. Mary always opted for excellence, even if it meant the cost of profit. As long as Mary’s team was choosing excellence, she was okay. Her success came from being of service to others rather than straight profits. Therefore, people wanted to do business with her because they trusted her.

Join us for an inspiring and empowering episode that will give you the confidence to seek more knowledge about your finances. Ladies, we have the power of the purse, so let’s use it!


In This Episode you will hear:

[03:00] Mary’s journey to Mount Kilimanjaro 

[16:55] How Mary overcame challenges in catering 

[22:30] About Mary’s most impressive catering event 

[25:40] When Mary transferred the catering business to her children  

[29:30] The inspiration behind Crafting a Meaningful Life

[37:30] How COVID-19 is threatening our financial security



  • Turn inside yourself to find emotional strength and overcome life’s challenges. 
  • It’s not what you’ve done in the past; it’s what you’re doing today that makes a difference. 
  • Perfectionism will kill you, but excellence will inspire you.
  • A woman with a cell phone and a credit card can solve everything. 
  • It is never too late to stand up.


Meet Mary Crafts

Mary Crafts is…quite simply…. a living legend. From humble beginnings and dire circumstances, she invested blood, sweat and countless tears into building what would become the most celebrated catering company in Utah. That multi-million dollar empire became the launching pad for so much more. Today, Mary has handed the reins of her catering empire to her incredibly gifted children who have taken her company to the next level, while Mary turns her attention to helping others build their dreams. Whether those dreams are centered around business, family or personal growth, Mary is ready to engage her expertise, assets, and energy into helping others build and grow! Take a little time and peruse this website and get to know Mary better. She may well be the solution you have been seeking!




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